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Sales Drive

Delivering Effective, Brand-Sensitive Sales Impulses

Helping You Drive A Better Sales Performance Strategy

There are two types of sales “event”, the first being the planned activity to drive traffic around key seasonal impulses, (registration change) or product-led initiatives, (launches and model run outs, for example). The second type is the tactical “break glass in emergency” event.

While we can handle all such challenges, we believe in focussing on the former to make the need for the latter less likely. Whatever the issue though, we work with retailers and their manufacturer partner to deliver effective, brand-sensitive sales impulses, quickly and efficiently. But there is so much more to an “event” than just generating incremental footfall.

The Volumes We Deal In Are Impressive

And our impressive results are remarkably consistent across the UK and the portfolio of brands and retailers we work with.

Looking at an “average” event, typically we’ll only focus on 2,000 records, (to help avoid burning data) we’ve seen the following:

  • 4 – 5% conversion to appointment
  • 50% Attendance
  • 40% Sale rate 
  • Cost per sale in the region of £125- £165 per vehicle

But there is so much more to an “event” than just generating incremental footfall, we can also deliver the following:

Future Customers

Consumers who aren’t in the active stage of the purchase cycle right now but will be in the near future.

SMS / Call backs

We can send all un-responsive contacts a SMS (with event offer details) to drive a call back into the business. This is ideal for customers who have a specific question that they want answering before committing to an appointment, or want to make other arrangements; for example an aftersales booking.

Data Cleanse

Change in vehicle ownership or address details.

Interested In Generating Business Advantage?

Get in touch using the form below and one of our team will get in touch.
01928 751091

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Sales Drive