Proactive VS Reactive

Jan 21, 2021Insight, Top Tips


In principle, if you were to ask anybody, almost all would say that they are proactive over reactive. But in reality, is this really true?

The dictionary definition of “proactive actions” is actions that are intended to cause change, rather than just reacting to change.

Sometimes, especially in retail or sales, the temptation can be that by merely having a decent product and keeping the lights on, then that should be enough to drive customers to you.

It isn’t.

Activity and Proactivity can mean the difference between success and failure. It may not be easy to be proactive. You need to stay motivated, focussed and goal orientated. It can take as much planning as anything else.

The benefits of proactivity are endless – but one of the biggest aspects it gives is control. Imagine being in a position where your actions directly influence what is happening in your business rather than simply responding to the environment around you.

In sales, control can be crucially important. If, you wait for the customers to come to you, the customer is then in total control of the situation. If a customer or client approaches you, a pitch or presentation is made and then the client waits to make their decision.

Proactively approaching customers can give the confidence and control to not only structure more of the sales process, but also to anticipate objections and as such in what direction the sales process may develop.

It goes without saying too that working in a more proactive organisation means that people will want to independently want to learn more, want to challenge themselves more and ultimately achieve more.

The next time you start a day sat at your desk, or walk into your place of work, ask yourself the simple question.
“What can I do today to be proactive?”. The answer and the possibilities are infinite.

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